

 My amazing husband, we'll call him "Daddy" and I have been married for 6 years now.  I continue to love him more every day.  We've been through a lot in our 6 years, but we only continue to grow closer and closer.

 These two are my heart.  We'll call him "Bean" and we'll call her "Tink".  Bean is a hilariously funny and oh-so-sweet little guy.  He's always up for a new adventure and is as outgoing as they get.  Tink is a chatter box.  She is also quite outgoing.  Her passion for animals is as big as mine.  Oh how I love these children!

 Deli and Pay are our Australian Shepherds.  They are a huge part of our family and are amazing with Bean and Tink.  Deli is 4 years old and although a big socially awkward, he's royalty in Tink's eyes.  Pay is 9 years old and was my baby before I had babies. She knows she's special and will always have a special place in my heart.

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