
Saturday, March 22, 2014

100 Percent Pure

When it comes to soaps, lotions, cosmetics, and hair products, it is always difficult to find something that works great, smells great, AND is natural without toxic chemicals.  After some research, I found 100% Pure.  I love their reasoning for being chemical free and wanted to share it with you:

“As much as 60% of topical skin-care products are absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream,” Says Dr. Nancy Lonsdorf, M.D. an lowa-based physician, “They should be consumed with the same prudence that we use to choose our breakfast cereal.” – April 2006 issue of Women's Health Magazine. There are many toxic chemicals in cosmetic products that have been clinically proven to cause cancer, tumors, irritation and many different skin disorders. 100% products are truly 100% Pure-no synthetic chemicals, chemical preservatives, artificial fragrances, artificial colors, harsh detergents or any other unhealthy toxins."

After going through their entire website, I wanted everything!!!  My favorite products are their kid's body cream, glossing shampoo, and  glossing conditioner.  Our hair is so silky and shiny after using their shampoo and conditioners.  I love knowing I am not putting harmful toxins into their bodies.

This winter has been awfully cold and our skin is taking a beating.  Bean's cheeks have been so chapped.  He hates when I have to put lotion on his face.  The only lotion he will take with a smile is 100% Pure's Yummy Ice Cream Body Cream.  He gets so excited and shouts, "Ice Cream!  Ice Cream!".  It really nourishes and moisturizes his poor little face too.  I am a huge believer in their products and will continue using them for years to come!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

A better popcorn

Just like any family, we love snuggling together on the sofa and watching a movie together.  One of our favorite parts of family movie night is POPCORN!  There are many ways to get delicious popcorn.  We've started popping our corn in our new stainless steel popcorn popper from Cook N Home with a little coconut oil.  It is amazing.  The freshness, the coconut oil hint, and the healthiness of it makes it such a fun treat.

Our family tries to never use the microwave, so a stove top popper was a great choice for us.  There are 2 major kinds of poppers - stainless steel and aluminum.  Aluminum is cheaper and lighter, but it can leach into the popcorn and then ingested in our bodies.  Stainless steel is the way to go, not only is is healthier and easier to clean, it is more sturdy, and looks much nicer.

We sprinkle our freshly popped popcorn with some Himalayan salt and enjoy a yummy treat!  We've also experimented with maple syrup added to the corn before it pops and it makes kind of a kettle/caramel corn.  It is amazing!  What is your favorite homemade popcorn recipe?

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Water Kefir

We love enjoying a fresh fizzy drink occasionally, but many carbonated beverages are filled with chemicals and toxins.  Water kefir is great and healthy alternative to soda.  It is ultra carbonated and filled with probiotics.  It has a very mild taste that blends well with almost any flavoring.  I was sent this kit from Yemoos, and the entire process couldn't have been easier.  We enjoyed flavoring our kefir with organic raspberries and mint leaves.  It is so delicious and refreshing, I have already started our third batch!

What is water kefir?

Water kefir grains create a zesty and delicious carbonated lacto-fermented beverage containing trillions of beneficial probiotics within each cup you drink. Water kefir contains upwards of 40 different strains of health-promoting bacteria and yeast. It is thought to have originated in Mexico, originally fermented with the juice of the Prickly Pear Cactus. Water Kefir grains are also know as Tibicos, Tibi, Sugar Kefir Grains, Graines Vivantes, Japanese Water Crystals and California Bees. Water kefir, like milk kefir, consists of bacteria and yeast existing in a complex symbiotic relationship. The benefits of water kefir are very similar to those of milk kefir, making it a perfect alternative for those who wish to avoid dairy, or just want another tasty addition to their pro-biotic menu!

Water kefir is loaded with valuable enzymes, easily digestible nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It is even suitable for some diabetics due to the low GL. It has long been known to promote and aid in digestion and overall health. Genuine kefir is different than the overpriced kefir you can buy in the stores, which is usually a simulated drink to mimic the flavor and is not produced by the traditional method, thus lacking the quality and health benefits of true traditional kefir.

Want to purchase this kit?  Go here and use coupon code: BLOGREADER10OFF for 10% off your purchase!