
Monday, January 6, 2014

Homemade beeswax lotion

Being up north for winter has seriously dried out our skin.  Poor Tink has alligator skin on her legs.  We decided to go to Grandma's house and make some homemade beeswax lotion.  It's great because it's all organic and no nasty chemicals that most lotions have.  We've made this before, and I thought to share the recipe and tips!

You'll need:

  • 1 cup organic olive oil
  • 1/2 cup organic cold pressed coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup beeswax pellets (or 2 ounces of solid beeswax)
  • 20+/- drops of your favorite essential oil

Start a double broiler and melt coconut oil and beeswax together.  Turn heat off (but keep it on the stove) and add the olive oil.  If your olive oil is too cold you may need to turn the burner back on.  Make sure everything is clear and free of lumps before removing from the heat.  Once removed let cool for 5 minutes then add essential oils.  Stir until fully combined and pour into containers.  Once it gets to room temperature it will solidify but still be creamy.

This lotion is amazing, it does feel greasy going on, but your skin will absorb the yummy goodness and will leave feeling soft and smell amazing!  Tink immediately asked to try it.  Once I started slathering it on her legs she took it upon her self to get fully undressed and asked for it on her entire body... I'd say she likes the lotion, and her skin looks so much better!

Have you made your own lotion?  Care to share the recipe?

Don't forget to enter my Natural Healing Necklace Giveaway!

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